Child Assessment

From the age of approximately 6-7yrs a dyslexic profile can be identified. The assessment will take around 2 hours; however the tasks are short, varied and interesting enough to ensure a generally enjoyable experience. A range of cognitive ability and attainment tasks are delivered to ensure a detailed investigation. The diagnosis and completed report meets the requirements set out by the DfES Working Group which requires the assessor to hold a current Practising Certificate issued by one of the professional bodies – British Psychological Society, PATOSS or Dyslexia Action.

Indicators of Dyslexia for a child (British Dyslexia Association)

If a child has several of these indicators, further investigation should be made. The child may be dyslexic, or there may be other reasons. This is not a checklist.

1. Persisting factors.

There are many persisting factors in dyslexia, which can appear from an early age. They will still be noticeable when the dyslexic child leaves school.

These include:

  • Obvious ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days, for no apparent reason,
  • Confusion between directional words, e.g. up/down, in/out,
  • Difficulty with sequence, e.g. coloured bead sequence, later with days of the week or numbers,
  • A family history of dyslexia/reading difficulties.

2. Pre-school.

  • Has persistent jumbled phrases, e.g. ‘cobbler’s club’ for ‘toddler’s club’

  • Use of substitute words e.g. ‘lampshade’ for ‘lamppost’.

  • Inability to remember the label for known objects, e.g. ‘table, chair’.

  • Difficulty learning nursery rhymes and rhyming words, e.g. ‘cat, mat, sat’.

  • Later than expected speech development.

Pre-school non-language indicators.

  • May have walked early but did not crawl – was a ‘bottom shuffler’ or ‘tummy wriggler’.

  • Persistent difficulties in getting dressed efficiently and putting shoes on the correct feet.

  • Enjoys being read to but shows no interest in letters or words.

  • Is often accused of not listening or paying attention.

  • Excessive tripping, bumping into things and falling over.

  • Difficulty with catching, kicking or throwing a ball; with hopping and/or skipping.

  • Difficulty with clapping a simple rhythm.

3. Primary school age.

  • Has particular difficulty with reading and spelling.

  • Puts letters and figures the wrong way round.

  • Has difficulty remembering tables, alphabet, formulae etc.

  • Leaves letters out of words or puts them in the wrong order.

  • Still occasionally confuses ‘b’ and ‘d’ and words such as ‘no/on’.

  • Still needs to use fingers or marks on paper to make simple calculations.

  • Poor concentration.

  • Has problems understanding what he/she has read.

  • Takes longer than average to do written work.

  • Problems processing language at speed.

Primary school age non-language indicators:

  • Has difficulty with tying shoe laces, tie, dressing.

  • Has difficulty telling left from right, order of days of the week, months of the year etc.

  • Surprises you because in other ways he/she is bright and alert.

  • Has a poor sense of direction and still confuses left and right.

  • Lacks confidence and has a poor self image.