Specialist Tuition
The Centre offers 1:1 tuition in both Literacy and Maths by Specialist Dyslexia Tutors. The essence of this teaching delivers a very structured multisensory programme devised specifically to the individual’s needs and learning style. Specialist tuition is available for children from 6 to 16 years.
Small Group Dyslexia Support Sessions
Teaching is delivered in a fun and multisensory manner whilst ensuring it follows a structured cumulative phonic programme, specifically designed to meet the children’s needs. These small group sessions often provide a great self-esteem boost to individuals who have not had the chance to work with others experiencing similar difficulties to themselves.
Touch Typing Tuition
Learn to Touch Type following the highly structured multisensory Englishtype program. Developed by an Experienced Educational Psychologist in the UK the program is designed to support general literacy skills using National Curriculum vocabulary from Key Stages 1-3.
It is a very “user friendly” program with clear visual graphics and colour coding, alongside spoken and written instructions.
Current sessions run from 5.00 – 5.45pm Monday to Friday.
The groups are a maximum of 5 students.