Indicators of Dyslexia for an older child/student
See Points 1-3 for Indicators of Dyslexia for a child (BDA) plus:
- Still reads inaccurately.
- Still has difficulties in spelling.
- Needs to have instructions and telephone numbers repeated.
- Gets ‘tied up’ using long words, e.g. ‘preliminary’, ‘philosophical’.
- Confuses places, times, dates.
- Has difficulty with planning and writing essays.
- Has difficulty processing complex language or long series of instructions at speed
Aged 12 or over non-language indicators:
- Has poor confidence and self-esteem.
- Has areas of strength as well as weakness.
Student Assessment
A range of student assessments can be carried out. In conjunction with the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration, General& Vocational Qualifications we can determine as to whether you meet the criteria for access arrangements for SATs, GCSE and GCE examinations. This may include extra time, use of lap top, amanuensis or reader support.
DSA Assessment
A range of cognitive and attainment tests can be carried out in order to provide an up-to-date assessment/diagnosis of dyslexia for students entering Higher Education. The diagnostic report conforms to the SpLD Working Group 2005/DfES “Guidelines for Assessment of SpLDS in Higher Education” hence meeting the requirements of your proposed university and Student Finance England. Following this a range of support can be accessed through the DSA. For further information on DSA click here.