DSA Support for Students

The Disabled Students’ Allowance is a source of government funding to help pay for extra costs a student may have to pay for during HE study, as a direct result of a disability. Dyslexia is considered a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Regulations 2003. The allowance can help with the cost of non-medical personal helper, such as specialist tuition, items of specialist equipment or other specific course related costs.

If you have a specific learning difficulty, Student Finance England (or your local authority or the OU) will need evidence of this in the form of an approved diagnostic assessment. This diagnostic assessment needs to have been carried out post 16 years of age in order to see what the likely effect of your specific learning difficulty will be on the skills you need for higher education.

See the government’s publication Bridging the Gap: A Guide to the Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) in Higher Education: www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance